Vegan Crazy

I come from Argentina where the above mentioned spread is “big” and synonymous of my childhood. 95% of our desserts and patisserie are made with it. Breakfast and `merienda’ (afternoon tea) meant thick slices of crusty, freshly made bread with the spread ! Dulce de leche made everything `sweeter’…
After a while into my vegan journey, I though: “surely there must be a vegan dulce de leche by now”! So I tried to buy it, but to my surprise, there was none available in the UK. Hence… I made my own!
One day, somebody who tried it said: “this is the most delicious spread I have ever had, you should sell it and I will buy it!” This resonated with me as I always wanted to have my own business, and in that moment I had the vision how my Vegan Dulce de Leche would fit in with the growing demand for delicious vegan products. So… at my age (then) I thought: “it’s now or never”. And It was!
Vegan Crazy is based in Surrey, England, but we ship throughout the UK.
I also attend several markets with my stall, keep an eye on my social media, so you know where to find me.