Surrey Hills Qigong
After a career as a BBC news journalist and social media specialist, I’m now teaching and sharing the gentle art of Qigong in the beautiful Surrey Hills.
Qigong (pronounced Chee Gong) is the ancient Chinese art of energy cultivation.
Often described as a moving meditation, it combines gentle, flowing movements with deep breathing and focused intention. It helps tap into the innate wisdom of the body, awakening its natural healing abilities.
Relaxing, restoring and revitalising for mind, body and spirit, Qigong brings a sense of inner calm and a deeper connection with nature.
Qigong classes in the Surrey Hills
Tel: 07710 065747
Surrey Hills Qigong class
I’ve always been deeply interested in health and wellbeing and sharing the ancient Chinese art of Qigong is both my passion and a lovely sideline to my main job.
For 40 years I’ve been working to help build confident communicators – working as a BBC journalist and social media consultant and trainer finding and telling stories. I help people to find their voices and build a personal brand online. Especially leaders, their teams and business owners on LinkedIn.
My other side is deeply interested in healing and wellbeing because life is all about balance and this is something I’ve been exploring for years. Qigong, is an integral part of that puzzle.
‘Qi’ means energy and ‘gong’ means a skill that’s cultivated through practice, so Qigong is the cultivation of energy.
Using your mind, body and breath using a series of fluid movements that mimic those found in nature – flowing water, floating clouds, a tree moving in the wind – it’s suitable for everyone. It invigorates, energises and balances the life force energy or ‘Qi’ so that we can live in the moment, deeply connected to everything around us.
My journey into Qigong began as a personal quest for balance and healing during a period of intense stress and burnout while working at the BBC. A lifelong curiosity about human health and behaviour led me to explore Reiki, spiritual healing, yoga, somatics, meditation, gut health and more.
It was during lockdown that I discovered Qigong and the teachings of Mimi Kuo-Deemer and that was a lightbulb moment. It seemed to encompass and enlighten everything and was the missing piece of the wellness jigsaw.
Inspired by what I’d learned, I signed up for a 200-hour teacher training course with John Munro of Long White Cloud Qigong and also did a 40 hour intensive teacher training immersion week with Mimi. In December I will graduate from her fabulous year-long teacher mentorship program which has been transformative.
If I can help you – either to run personalised Qigong sessions for yourself, your friends and colleagues – or with your personal branding, employee advocacy and media confidence, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and I look forward to meeting you.