Down on the Farm – portraits of contemporary farming life
19th February 2024
By Siân Tyrrell – photographer at Siân T. Photography in conjunction with Little Cowdray Glamping and the Rural Life Living Museum.
Dates – Wednesday 13 March to Sunday 7 April 2024
Opening Times – 10am to 4pm Wednesday to Sunday
Location – Rural Life Living Museum, Reeds Road, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey GU10 2DL
Entry fees for the Rural Life Living Museum apply – see here for details
The exhibition coincides with the Rural Life Living Museum’s annual vintage tractor event, 16 to 17th of March, and closes with the Surrey Hills Spring Fair on 6 and 7 of April. Siân will be available at both events to discuss the exhibition.
‘Down on the farm” is an eclectic selection of photographs, made over 6 years documenting life at Little Cowdray farm in Surrey. From vintage tractor restoration projects, to ploughing matches, animal husbandry and family events these images give an unprecedented insight into what it’s like being a farmer in 21 century Britain.
Working closely with the Goble family, who built and have lived for four generations at Little Cowdray, Siân has brought to life that feeling of deep connection with the land that she gets when visiting the farm. Siân says “while farm life is a whole soul and whole body commitment, those who choose it radiate a unique contentment that is both energising and peaceful”
Lucy who features alongside her parents, grandparents, siblings and children in the project says “none of us like being in front of the camera, but working with Sian made us appreciate the importance of the little things that we take for granted” while her sister Emily reflects “These moments in time have been captured for us to look back on with future generations. Sian has a brilliant eye for natural photos!”
Sian has partnered with the Rural Life Living Museum to bring the exhibition to life using historical artefacts from their farming collection. Museum curator Madeleine Howard says of the collaboration “By comparing and contrasting Sian’s photographs with our heritage collection, we can tell the continued shared story of those who manage our countryside and feed our community.”
About Siân
Siân Tyrrell is a people and product photographer living and working in Cranleigh Surrey.
She is a qualified Master Photographer and winner of the South East Up & Coming Studio Photographer of the Year in 2020. Siân is interested in authenticity in images and in helping people to feel their best selves through empowering portrait experiences.
Siân is a great believer in making being photographed enjoyable and building personal connection, to reclaim it as something joyful to do to celebrate ourselves rather than something fearful or reserved for the vain. Instagram @siantphoto Facebook @siantphoto
Sian T Photography