Hedging and Fencing Coverwood Farm

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This application was aimed to help eradicate Neospora from a cattle herd. This is being done is by the fencing of a footpath that cuts straight through the grass field where the farmer keeps his cattle, the fence will keep walkers on the footpath and prevent their dogs from fowling on the field. It also has a second benefit of minimising livestock worrying opportunities. A hedge will be planted along one side of the footpath to create a corridor for species, and stiles at either end of the field will be replaces with pedestrian gates to allow easier access for all.  Wildlife boxes have also been included in this project to encourage the development of bird and other mammal habitats in the area.

The splitting of the grass field also provides the opportunity to undertake rotational grazing with greater ease, FiPL is also funding a trough and associated pipe work as the only water source in the field will be cut off by the fenced footpath.

Project summary

Applicant Tim Metson
FiPL grant awarded £20,244.42 & £654
Total project cost £20,898.42
Project start date 16/02/2023
Project end date 24/03/2023
Location Peaslake